Maybe so....
Can you find the hidden animal in the top picture? If you said it's a robin, you're right. What are robins doing in Connecticut in January??? When I was a girl, their arrival time was toward the end of March. One of the "great" April Fools jokes was to tell someone to look at the robin on the lawn and, when they looked and saw nothing there, to say "April Fools" and laugh uproariously. OK, it was pretty lame, but times were simpler then. Lately there have been robins staying later in the fall and coming back earlier in the spring - but January? with the ground totally covered in snow and ice?
There were twenty or more robins in this flock, and they were eating berries from the trees in front of the library. A couple of days ago - when the berries were coated with ice - they had quite a time. They discovered that they could knock the fruit on the ground and remove the ice more easily. Now the fruit is almost all gone, and they will probably move on. It was a treat to have them stop by on their way to....Florida? Virginia? Greenwich? We'll welcome them back in the spring!