Jack created gadgets (like fans and door bells) with his snap-together electrical component set. Later on, he let Sam and I try our hand at some projects.
We spent quite a bit of time in the basement playing Wii Fit. Jack unlocked the boxing skill section and practiced it for a long time. I can still hear the directions - right, left, right, block - ringing in my ears. I got to play bass guitar and drums on Rock Band...not very well, but it was fun! Don't tell Dad, but I think I want a Wii :)
Sam loves to color and build legos...not necessarily in that order. He and Jack and I spent some time creating a lego village last weekend. He colored while Jack and I played Wii Fit - I unlocked some new skills in the Yoga section :) Here he is giving me some "attitude!
Kate is getting ready for her trip to Disney World. Here she is - modeling her new princess dress. She'll wear it when she meets Tinker Bell and the princesses...and maybe Prince Charming!
What's with the fours? Almost 40 years of marriage have brought four children, four children by marriage and four grandchildren into our lives. All unique, all special - love those fours!
The cold months have arrived! For us it's time to slow down a bit and enjoy some indoor activities. The long winter nights are perfect for curling up and reading, doing a puzzle, enjoying movies on DVD, and watching the snow fly by under the street lights. The childhood hope for a "snow day" persists...
Here are some of our winter favorites -
A Welcoming Wreath
The Christmas wreath remains on our door through January. It is a festive reminder of the holiday season and the fun times shared with children and grandchildren.
Winter Wonderland
I love the tracery of bare branches against a wintry sky, and the magical sight of a yard covered with fresh snow. It is a gift of quiet beauty in an often-frenzied world.
It's fun to do puzzles on the porch in warm weather, but they're a perfect pasttime in the winter, too. This winter scene, with lots of cute birdhouses in the snow, is very appropriate right now.
Hot Chocolate
This is a winter must! Now that the temperature is hovering around zero, there's nothing like a mug of hot chocolate (with marshmallows or whipped cream, of course) to warm us up.
Snow Couple
One of my favorite winter things is snow people...we collect them in all shapes and sizes.
A stack of good books
One winter necessity is plenty of books to read while curled up under a cozy blanket.
Autumn Favorites
Autumn is around the corner and there are signs of its coming everywhere. It's time to enjoy the sights and tastes of the season...migrating birds and monarch butterflies passing through, delicious fall fruits and mellow apple cider, the blazing colors of fall foliage, clear days and cool nights when it feels good to curl up inside, the excitement of college football (Let's Go, Mountaineers!) and the World Series (Let's Go Mets!). It's time to take walks, clean up the yard, button up the pool and prepare for the cold months to come. Here are some signs of fall...
Love those autumn leaves!
A few leaves have started to change to the beautiful hues of fall.
A Complete Meal?
We love these autumn fruits...apples, pears, plums, grapes and...fish?
Pool Closed
The pool is all buttoned up for the cold months - just in time to keep the fall leaves out!
Autumn Flowers
Dad's sedums by the pool are in full bloom.
Summertime Favorites
Summer is a time to enjoy the world outside our home. Here are some of our summer favorites!
Butterfly Magnet
We love seeing the hummingbirds and butterflies that come to our butterfly bush.
A Box of Begonias
Harold marvels at these plants..they are survivors! The woodchucks ate the coleus from these boxes and left these behind. Not as tasty?
Summer Path
There is tranquility in a shady path.
Summer Challenge
The screen porch is a perfect place to find a few pieces in passing.
Summer Welcome
Some flowers the woodchucks, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks didn't get!