Another project! Much to the Hermans' delight, the wild tangle of grapevines, scrub, a dead lilac bush and weeds on the back roadside bank is gone. It's been the view from their living room and bedroom windows for too many years. Marty (our "hero" who keeps the lawn in tip-top shape) and his sidekick spent a
long day performing this feat. They sawed, chipped, raked, shoveled and even hauled away a ton of stuff we'd pitched over the wall through the years...branches, grass clippings, weeds, etc. We never expected it to be this clean and really love the new look. Needless to say, no more dumping here! Not only will Marty keep this area under control from now on, but we're hoping to turn it into a mini meadow. Dad bought a bag of New England wildflower seed mix and broadcast it over the entire area. Little seedlings have sprouted and there is a "mist" of new green growth coming up. If the plants winter over, as they should, we may have a new
Secret Garden next summer.